Tips for a Successful First Date

You did it! You found a match and landed yourself a hot date. Now the real work begins. Hopefully, our extensive research and lists of dating sites have helped you along the way. Dating sites are always a fantastic way to explore your options, but now you’ve find a match and you have to get ready for the actual date.
first date advice

For many people, meeting in person can be overwhelming. There’s a lot to consider, and many things that can go wrong. At, we’ve come up with a few simple tips that can help to make your dates and relationship building efforts more successful!

Here are our 25 top tips for having a successful date:

  1. Flash a wide smile.
  2. Turn off your phone.
  3. Take care of yourself and your hygiene. Look good and smell good.
  4. Never be offended by what someone says. Learn to love your flaws. Always love yourself. Nothing you do is stupid. Smile and laugh as much as you can.
  5. There is a reason why liars are lonely. Lies are likely to be discovered and you will be forgotten just as fast.
  6. Don’t call back too quickly after the first date. You are in demand, make them believe that.
  7. Don’t do all of the talking.
  8. Don’t call first after your date, let them call you ensuring the interest.
  9. Always flash a wide smile. Everyone loves a smile.
  10. Don’t reveal too much too quickly.
  11. Don’t date people who are currently dating other people.
  12. Project a sense of happiness. Being happy is contagious. No one wants to be around a sad person.
  13. Refrain from seeing your new significant other more than a few times a week.
  14. If you’re looking for a long term relationship – casual kissing on the first date only.
  15. Don’t over think things when preparing for the first date. Stay busy until it’s time to go. Keeping yourself busy will keep you from thinking negatively.
  16. Don’t have sex too soon in the relationship. Respect will come the longer you wait.
  17. Accept your date for who they are. Don’t try to change them, or expect them to change. They probably won’t. They are who they are.
  18. Deep feelings are too heavy for a first date. Keep them to yourself.
  19. Project a sense of happiness and calm. Show them that nothing can get in your way.
  20. Past relationships are in the past, keep them there. Don’t talk about your past relationships.
  21. Stay healthy and fit. Show them and yourself that you care about being healthy.
  22. Don’t over research and learn too much about your date from your friends. You may get a tainted view that is not reality.
  23. Don’t compare your date to any of your previous spouses.
  24. Trust your gut, it’s probably right.
  25. Pick up the check (whether you are a male or female), it is impressive on both sides.
